Thursday, June 16, 2011

Long Time No Talk

Technology isn't fair....It gives you the ability to save, erase, share, or move everything that is written. I wish sometimes I wasn't able to save everything. Then I would be able to move on.

Why is it so hard to let go of the past when I only care about the future?

The better.....He told me that I made it that way!

Why can't I stop reading what he wrote about how much better of a man I made him as a whole?

Is this a fault or a gift?

I know that I have complications when it comes to relationships; simply because I am not looking for a husband or someone to father my children. I just want to hang out with someone that wants to have as much fun as me all the time.

I really don't think it is too much to ask :-)


  1. > Is this a fault or a gift?

    Both. ;)

  2. "Detachment is like flying high: the higher you fly, the wider the landscape you are able to view. But when you are unable to fly beyond the limited realities of your daily life, you are like a person who is confined to a narrow cell, unable to enjoy the expansion of nature ... true detachment from the world becomes possible when there is increasing attachment to the Divine Self within one's heart".

    Swami Jyotirmayananda

  3. Thank you anonymous for your didn't really help me but it gave me a chuckle.

    Jill, Swami is absolutely right but this is something easily written for some. I am able to fly. You know me and what I have done with my life. This is just a minor heart set back, but I refuse to let it hold me down!

    I am back and ready to rally :-)
