Sunday, July 10, 2011

Shit Show

Twenty years of memories all relived last night. God I love my friends and everything that we have done. I have absolutely no regrets and I only want more. You realize when you leave for awhile and then come back, how much these people mean to you and how much you never want to leave them again.

I knew that I was going to have the time of my life but I never imagined all the events that would transpire. Every once in awhile things repeat themselves in life and you go back to what was once the best part of your life. Cease that moment and don't let it go.

Remember, you are the only one that can decide your happiness, so make sure you do it right!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Outside Influences

It is a shame that most people let others influence their decisions. Understandably your parents know best, but not when we don't tell them the entire story. In my case, please don't tell them as much. It turns out that moms don't want to hear too many positive things about the girls their sons date.

The more wonderful things that are said about you, the farther you take their sons from them. They start spending more time with you then with them. Then holidays become obsolete, and it is a hassle to even schedule dinner. These relationships never work because it's obvious that the love between the two is stronger than the love of family.

Will love ever prevail? Will blood always be thicker than water? What happen to happiness or being happy for others? It just seems as though it should be more simple.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Questionable Decisions

I think that people usually only believe that you make a right or a wrong decision but actually I love making questionable ones. Those are ones where you take a chance because no one knows the outcome. If you never step outside your comfort zone you may never know what's out there waiting for you.

On the other hand you also may get hurt or lose....but to hurt and lose is to grow. I live on taking chances, on believing that you won't get hurt but that you will become or learn something more. If we don't let change into our lives then we live a sober, simple one and that is just not me.

I don't want to get stuck into patterns of the everyday way of life. I want to be spontaneous and not know where tomorrow may lead.  I am in such a great; positive place in my life right now and I can't let anything negative bring me down. I am ready for my next journey and will embrace it with as much enthusiasm as I did when I was in my early 20's.

Bring on my next phase life....I am ready!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Long Time No Talk

Technology isn't fair....It gives you the ability to save, erase, share, or move everything that is written. I wish sometimes I wasn't able to save everything. Then I would be able to move on.

Why is it so hard to let go of the past when I only care about the future?

The better.....He told me that I made it that way!

Why can't I stop reading what he wrote about how much better of a man I made him as a whole?

Is this a fault or a gift?

I know that I have complications when it comes to relationships; simply because I am not looking for a husband or someone to father my children. I just want to hang out with someone that wants to have as much fun as me all the time.

I really don't think it is too much to ask :-)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Summer is Almost Here

I have had a few people ask me about why I haven't blogged in a few days and I am super sorry. It is crazy how busy I am right now with some projects I have going on. I will tell you all about them as soon as one is completed. It's easier for me not to discuss them until I have an outcome.

I have been having a really hard time sleeping these days because I can't seem to shut off my brain. Sometimes I wish my mind didn't run in circles of creativeness. It would make my life much less complex. On the same note, I don't like sitting idly by waiting for shit to happen for me, so I would rather not get rest. I hope my beauty doesn't suffer from it :-)

So that being said. I will try and post as frequently as possible and keep everyone updated. You will want to know what I did today but I want to wait for the results before I mention this drama :-)

Keep in touch friends!!!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Our Troops

Memorial Day is a very sad day....I know most of us are traveling back from somewhere after having an awesome three day weekend. Government has turned turned this day into a holiday instead of a day of remembrance. The Original Memorial Day was May 30th and only recognized by the Northern states until after WWI. The VFW has formally let our Senate know that changing the original date to make this a 3 day weekend simply undermines what the day is all about.

We are all asked if we cannot take the entire day for remembrance that we do, voluntarily and informally observe in our own way a moment of remembrance and respect, pausing from whatever we are doing for a moment of silence or listening to Taps. This happens at 3pm local time and if you would like to know more about it below is Bill Clinton's memorandum:

I am very glad to see that our troops are so encouraged and respected by everyone these days because when my grandfather served for over 23 years in our US Navy, military was not greeted with enthusiasm and praise for protecting our country. He remembers several times being spit on and rejected simply for wearing his uniform. I couldn't imagine people treating other humans that way.

Thank you for continuing to fight for our freedom even through this despicable treatment. I love you Grampa Joe, you are my hero!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Memorial Weekend

So I am leaving right now for a fantastic road trip to the wonderful wine country of Walla Walla, WA. I will be back to write on Monday when I return.

Have a safe and wonderful Holiday weekend :-)

Talk to you Monday!